In respect to the film "Jobs" what do you considere the most important thing in the jobs life for you and what is the most important teaching in your point of view.
1. I consider that the most important thing in working life is knowing how to work with people, have good interpersonal relationships, be a companion and have an entrepreneur spirit; do things with perseverance and have patience that independent of things are going as they do not wait, there is always a solution while one is proposed. In Jobs's life, the most important thing was to reach the end of the goal, the only thing he thought was to have new ideas and project them independently that was spending more budget than was allowed and sometimes mistreated people psychologically.
2. The main lesson that the film leaves me is that I must always fight for what I want, if I have some proposed goals, I must strive until the end to achieve it. But, you can not reach that goal by mistreating the people around you, because ultimately in life everything is returned and paid. Then, I learned that if I think more about work than about the people who make it up, people will go away and teamwork is fundamental.
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